
Farm Hand - Y Mers Project

Supported by Help Musicians UK.

August 2019.

A collaborative music project with poet Sophie McKeand. We will explore the border between Wales and England in real time. What it looks like, what it sounds like, who uses it and more.

The collaboration with Sophie helped me unearth stories and words from the local area. It also helped me to think smaller and slower. We walked the land together and stopped and listened to it. The project has lead to a deeper understanding of my own artistic practise.

Collaborating, testing new ideas and a livestream on location:

Work in progress poetry by Sophie McKeand during our r+d sessions

Work in progress poetry by Sophie McKeand during our r+d sessions

September 2020 update

Writing and developing music in response to the work with Sophie on location. Research and development in collaboration with Stephen Black (Sweet Baboo / Group Listening).